
Auburn gymnast Injury

Auburn gymnast Injury

Just so you know, this is graphic. If you have a weak stomach, you may want to turn away. You’ve been warned.  MORE

Cool Deep Space 9 Video

Cool Deep Space 9 Video

I’m a Trek fan, no other way about it. Found this video, and thought it was a good watch!  MORE

THE HAUNTING AT FARRAR- An Original Paranormal Documentary

THE HAUNTING AT FARRAR- An Original Paranormal Documentary

If you remember The Haunting of KGGO.com, Seth and Jesse from Calhoun County Paranormal Investigators came on the show. Last night they released a new video and yo can check it out here! also, don’t forget to check out the interview they did with me back in October as well!  MORE

Kinnick the Cat

Kinnick the Cat

We had a rough week in the B-sox house as our cat Kinnick passed away. To make  a long story short, he ran into some sudden health issues and he moved on to the great beyond. We’ll miss you Kinnick.MORE

Fyre Festival Documentaries

Fyre Festival Documentaries

Every once in a while you stumble across something really amazing. For me, it was these two documentaries about the failure that was the Fyre Festival. I knew little to nothing about this before a I started watching, and I was completely sucked in. Hulu and Netflix both made documentaries, and they’re both worth watching! Check…MORE