Emily Holley of the American Red Cross talking on our state’s disasters this year and their destruction. How do you get help? How can you help?… MORE
SmartHer Money. It’s never to early or to late to plan for your financial future and independence. Learn how to take advantage of free programs … MORE
Do you REALLY know what the Shriners at Za-Ga-Zig Altoona really do? Learn more on this weeks truly fun Inside Iowa Show with Kim Chase. … MORE
Do you love someone who has been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis? One out of every 31 individuals carries the CF gene. Learn more on this weeks show. … MORE
Cardiovascular Disease is the number one killer of women. This show talks about being proactive, learning CPR, knowing your family history and more.… MORE
Has the drug Fentanyl affected your life or the life of someone you love? Find out where you can get more educated and find support. … MORE
Wondering how do you make up for the loss of your EBT card this summer? Listen this week with Michelle Book with the Food Bank Of Iowa.… MORE
Zuli Garcia is a cervical cancer survivor who wants to pay forward what she’s learned through her journey. Plus get the information you need to make sure you get screened.… MORE
Iowa Insurance Commissioner Doug Ommen. Learn how to protect yourself by spotting and reporting those who want to scam you and your fellow Iowans.… MORE